Excerpt from Barren County Elementary District Language Arts Curriculum
*although not KCAS, legible penmanship is an expectation at all Barren County elementary schools and should be taught/reinforced annually
Kindergarten: Write capital and lower case letters of the alphabet correctly shaping and spacing the letters appropriately.
1st Grade: Print legibly, use top, middle and bottom lines correctly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately
2nd Grade: Print legibly, and space letters, words, and sentences so that another person can read writing easily.
3rd Grade: Write legibly in cursive, spacing letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Forms letters correctly and uses lines on paper.
4th Grade: Write smoothly and legibly in cursive, forming letters and words that can be easily read by others. Write in cursive 2nd Semester
5th Grade: Forms cursive connections correctly and writes proficiently and consistently in cursive the majority of the time for class assignments with the exception of exempted students.
6th Grade: Student writes consistently and proficiently in cursive on the majority of class assignments.
Excerpt from Barren County Elementary District Language Arts Curriculum
*although not KCAS, legible penmanship is an expectation at all Barren County elementary schools and should be taught/reinforced annually
Kindergarten: Write capital and lower case letters of the alphabet correctly shaping and spacing the letters appropriately.
1st Grade: Print legibly, use top, middle and bottom lines correctly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately
2nd Grade: Print legibly, and space letters, words, and sentences so that another person can read writing easily.
3rd Grade: Write legibly in cursive, spacing letters, words, and sentences appropriately. Forms letters correctly and uses lines on paper.
4th Grade: Write smoothly and legibly in cursive, forming letters and words that can be easily read by others. Write in cursive 2nd Semester
5th Grade: Forms cursive connections correctly and writes proficiently and consistently in cursive the majority of the time for class assignments with the exception of exempted students.
6th Grade: Student writes consistently and proficiently in cursive on the majority of class assignments.