The link above will take you to many resources to learn more about the standards. Included are the Paull Anderson Bozeman Science Videos as well as a direct link to the NGE Standards site.
Use their search tools to find resources aligned to NGSS - online lessons, activities, and classroom lessons.
These lesson plans are not exemplars. They are the first attempt teachers have made to try and incorporate the science and engineering practices into their current lessons.
Be sure to check out this awesome resource! Use their online tools to help you find resources to implement NGSS by choosing your practice, core ideas, and cross-cutting concepts. Also check out their STEM Resource Finder!
Use their search tools to find online resources for students or check out their FlexBook options to create your own textbook aligned to NGSS and your curriculum!
A great site full of resources for all topics! Find lesson plans, audio/video clips, and online activities to help you implement NGSS in your next unit. Sign up for a free account,
Useful websites
These are Nevada Academic Content Standards for Science Guides for Teachers. These resources are designed to facilitate the classroom implementation of the Nevada Academic Content Standards (NVACSS) revised based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in 2014.
The purpose of these guides is to help teachers access the science standards in order to integrate the three dimensions of science education [scientific and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas (DCIs), and crosscutting concepts (CCCs) into the curriculum. Each guide identifies science performance expectations by topic, presents the storyline to demonstrate horizontal and vertical alignment, focuses on the big questions and outlines the appropriate science framework dimensions that facilitate the teaching and learning of science in the classroom. The video (coming soon) gives an overview regarding use of the guides. |
Use the search function to find great activities
Neat Google site broken out by grade level standards
Tools for Ambitious Science Teaching
Great teaching can be learned. This web site provides tools and resources that support ambitious science instruction at the elementary, middle school and high school levels. Ambitious teaching deliberately aims to get students of all racial, ethnic, and class backgrounds to understand science ideas, participate in the discourses of the discipline, and solve authentic problems. |
In the search bar, type what content and grade level you are looking for: example-4th grade science waves